Monday, May 15, 2006

A Productive Year for Technology Training Support Services

As we leave the 2005-06 academic year behind, we pause for a few moments to look back on some of its highlights since this is the time to prepare annual reports and record accomplishments. So here are some of our numbers.

Those of us in Technology Training Support Services (TTSS) thank our faculty, staff, and students for their confidence in our services.

This was an especially busy and productive year for us at TTSS. Who knew there was so much interest in learning software among the faculty and staff? This past year, we saw an increase in attendance for our classes, up 185 persons or 11% over last year. During this same period, we offered 58 fewer classes, a reduction of 13%, because of an extended illness of Pamela Stant, one of our training specialists.

In addition to our attendance numbers, we have seen an increase in the number and frequency of support calls, hits to our Website, the number of accounts generated through the ElementK online learning system, and requests for classroom guest speaking.

This wonderfully productive academic year will be followed by a summer filled with opportunities for faculty to enhance the instructional technology they employ in their classes, in addition to our regular offerings. For our colleagues who toil outside the classroom, we are in the process of creating a certification program. Watch for future editions of The Library Insider and our website for details on this new program.

Our Technology Training Specialists and I will be taking time this summer to polish our skills and learn new technologies so we can once again entice our faculty and staff to spend some time with us. Terms such as blogging, podcasting, and document sharing will all be part of our vocabulary come fall semester.

For information, contact Yasemin Tunc at or call (765) 285-5902.

This article was published in The Library Insider May 2006, pg. 5.


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